
  • 鲍勃·查普曼
  • 鲍勃·查普曼
    首席执行官 & Barry-Wehmiller的主席


Barry-Wehmiller’s unique culture of caring for those we have the privilege to lead and serve continues to garner attention and validate that business can be a powerful force for good in the world.

In addition 到 continued success of our book, 每个人都很重要,Harvard case study about BW that has become a best seller, 到 growing invitations to share our message and learnings globally, it is clear that the world is ready for Truly Human 领导.

和 that has been very clear in the recent opportunities I have had to share our message; the interactions I have had at these events and the invitations I continue to receive to speak in person or virtually.

For example, last Friday I spoke in Charleston, SC, at a leadership conference for 南方医科大学

卡罗莱纳健康系统(MUSC健康),) which consists of 14 hospitals throughout the state. 多于1,500名领导出席了会议, 谁有超过25个,000条生命在他们的照顾范围内! What an incredible opportunity to share our message of caring to those who care for others in an industry that has seen many challenges in recent years.

上星期一,我在 大峡谷大学. An early session was to 350 students and a later session was to 2,000人来介绍这部电影, “超越零,” and participate in a panel discussion after the viewing. “超越零” is about the journey of a company who realized they could operate with financial success while serving not just shareholders but stakeholders — in a way that is responsible 到 planet. You can read more about the event and the movie 在这里.

My message 到 attendees was that we have is a society stuck in an economic model w在这里 success is money, 权力和地位, 它是自我毁灭的. Why was I introducing a movie on sustainability? What good does it do to have an Earth flourishing if humans aren’t flourishing on that Earth? We need to care about the Earth, and we need to care about the people on the Earth.

这个周末, I was invited to highlight our initiatives to integrate Truly Human 领导 in all levels of education during the United Nations PRME Transforming Education Summit. This discussion 将 not only highlight our work to bring caring leadership principles to education through initiatives with K-12 schools and Fordham and other universities, but also the launch of the 人文领导学院 to transform how leadership is taught in business schools.

Next week, a number of university professors and cohorts of the 人文领导学院again meet at our BW Papersystems location in Phillips, WI, to further that initiative and recruit more business schools to our cause.

10月, I 将 share the Barry-Wehmiller transformation story with 800+ business leaders at the premier event in China dedicated to “organizational transformation in the direction of next-level consciousness.” The Chinese publisher of Everybody Matters reports that it is selling very well, calling it “a beautiful and joyful gift for us.”

今年秋天也是如此, I 将 address a wide variety of audiences across geographic regions: McKinsey’s Global Industrial 领导 Summit business leaders, Monterrey (Mexico) Institute of Technology students, Vizient Healthcare的ceo们, Brazil’s Virtuous 领导 Program members, Ivey Business School (Canada) business students, 大聚会零售商店领导, 和其他人.

此外, 查普曼 Foundation for Caring Communities 庆祝其第750届毕业班! 自2012年以来, the non-profit my wife Cynthia and I started has helped 13,000 individuals heal their relationships and grow as leaders through the unique learning experiences offered in communities. Lately, the group has been especially focused on helping law enforcement first responders.

我也是 recently featured in a profile by University of Michigan Ross School of Business that shared our message and story with students and alumni

my recent column in the International Business Times on empathetic listening has been one of their most read articles of the year

I share all these exciting bits of news with you as words of encouragement. For one, it illustrates the hunger for a new way to lead. But also it shows that we have much to do.

I do believe that business can be the most powerful force for good if we embrace the responsibilities we have as leaders to care for those within our span of care. 和 I 将 continue to work to spread that message far and wide.

你呢?? How are you working to change the world? Will you join us in sharing this message of hope and joy?


鲍勃·查普曼/ 2022年1月27日
The Higher Calling for Caring in Business
鲍勃·查普曼/ 2021年8月4日

Need help in applying principles of Truly Human 领导 in your organization? 查普曼 & Co. 领导 Institute is Barry-Wehmiller's leadership consulting firm that partners with other companies to create strategic visions, 参与员工, improve corporate culture and develop outstanding leaders through leadership training, 评估及工作坊.

欲知详情,请浏览 ccoleadership.com

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